“Anger, if not restrained, is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury that provokes it.” ~Seneca

At those times when anger has invaded my otherwise peaceful day, the Spirit… the influence of my Savior’s attention and suggestions,  takes ‘time off ‘ and I am left to my ‘wallowing in the mire’ (see 2 Peter 2:22).  A better way?… Simply to make a quick course correction, pushing past the bad feelings that could ruin my day.  The Lord is readily willing to assist because progress under his direction is where real peace and purpose is found. re-posted from 4.23.15

Since the above was written, I have found my increased focus to change in favor of patience towards others (and self)  in constructive ways) has made me feel much different about life and circumstances of daily living. Simply said, life is much more fun and with less problems taking the ‘high road than the low road’.   kdm

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