Look to the right beneath the picture of Christ knocking for the most recent posts.
. . . going forward I wish to explain something that has, I believe, caused concern and disappointment in some readers.
The whole purpose of the posts which come from zionwisdom.com are not to draw attention to myself. (I do appreciate knowing when something appears, 'which strikes a cord' of stronger perspective and change.) I'm hoping that any positive energy/perspective coming from the posts be directed toward a closer relationship with our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Give them the credit. . . by doing things differently for that closer/stronger faith and perspective. I'm not in this to become popular, but that They may be appreciated through our positive change towards them and away from the multiple defeats of the adversary. . . of any adversary. (kdm - June 2020)
This website is devoted to awareness, through teachings of current and former prophets, church leaders, and inspirational quotes of all sources and denominations, that facilitate Christ's mission to make of us a Zion people. We accept all truth from whatever source. False teachings, of which there have always been many, we do not embrace and teach truth in their place. The measure of what is true or false comes as we listen to, read and follow counsel from our leaders. In so doing the direction of our lives pattern Christ's example. Henry B. Eyring, now a member of The First Presidency of the Church once said; "We may know that the warning is from the Lord (when) the law of witnesses, authorized witnesses, has been invoked. When the words of prophets seems repetitive, that should rivet our attention and fill our hearts with gratitude to live in such a blessed time." (Ensign May 1997 p.24[i]) It follows as we strive daily to live by (repetitive) words of authorized witnesses we too become daily examples to others. Also we should never place all our faith in one person or small group. The more wide read we are in truth coming from Christ's true sources, the better our spiritual balance and stability in hard times.
Evidence that Christ has become central to our individual or collective focus, that we are becoming a 'Zion people', is revealed in a number of ways; by our fruits as individuals and as a people, in the way we treat others, in sincerely striving to live the covenants we have made with Him, and more.... Thus, the prophecy of Christ when He lived among mortals, 'by their fruits ye shall know them'[ii], is happening now. *
In any age of the world the status-quo, major religions and the general population, opposed and fought against true believers. In this nothing has changed today. All must carefully, prayerfully, in open vulnerability, examine the 'fruits'. In New Testament times, Apostle Paul constantly struggled with 'well meaning' but false teachings. He taught of 'one Lord, one faith, and one baptism'[iii]. Christianity today, is fragmented hundreds of times over, certainly not one faith.[iv] Thus the honest seeker of truth [v] will drop worldly and religious preconceptions, to have an honest, vulnerable, sincerely prayerful look [vi] facilitating a true unpremeditated perspective. Those who embrace the message will find a personal direction that brings eternal joy and increase. Any alternate course is a shadow of the potential God has in mind for each of us.
This site contains hundreds of posts generated from quotes / themes on righteous daily living (truly the happiest sort!). Such wisdom comes from all faiths, nationalities, background. (I am reminded of the saying 'Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it!) Also access past posts at the bottom left of this page and choose from many themes.
''Fruits' of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are found by clicking the picture to the upper right of this page... of Jesus knocking. The door to a multitude of interesting things the Church does are available, obviously counter productive to the adversary's purposes. Taken singly or in more irrefutable witness, collectively, it's just not within reason that Satan would be involved in things that advance Heavenly Father's purposes and diminish his. A link that reveals a correct perception our Lord's Grace given in a talk, ' by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (formerly) of the First Presidency, can be seen or listen to at... 'The Gift of God's Grace'. There are many such talks on any gospel subject. Another directed to youth is: 'My Grace is Sufficient' by Brad Wilcox.
As with any entry, I often feel presumptuous to the point of embarrassment at sharing 'condensed versions' of talks that took months to prepare, multiple revisions, and much prayer by the originator. The whole point at sharing in this way, is that we feel moved to take time and access the link, then read, listen to, and study the complete published version. With such an intensive approach we increase our respect for the originator (the mortal who spoke) and the true Originator, God Himself. In the troubling times in which we live, we would do well to relish, internalize and live by all the inspiring thoughts expressed by those set apart to lead us.
In the posts I have often 'faced my own reality'... again and again. It came up in conversation that my life often fails to follow what the posts teach. I know that... From my perspective that happens too often. This, my hypocrisy, goes with many posts; that is the reason they become posts here, because those subjects are my own issues, struggles... challenges yet to be mastered. If I have such anomalies then others will too. I am not perfect... if I were, that would be great, but I wonder if I would really have much to say... to find. k
This site would not be possible without the skills and suggestions of site administrator, Brother W. Mead. There have been quite literally many thousands of hacking attempts to shut it down. His suggestions have been priceless including content suggestions that have, no doubt, blessed many. A recent one (possibly receiving the most interest of a single entry yet) is about the Book of Mormon and can be found at https://zionwisdom.com/2018/08/jesus-christ-and-the-book-of-mormon/. Thanks Bill, for all you do!! -k