From Gene R. Cook and the book “A Year of Powerful Prayer”:

When I was younger and prayed fervently for answers to prayers, sometimes I didn’t feel I received an answer—and then I wondered if the Lord really did love me. I prayed earnestly and put my trust in the Lord, exercised faith, fasted, and seemingly received no response from the heavens.

I realized in later years that in many instances the Lord does not give a direct answer to our prayers, since that would destroy our opportunity to exercise faith. Sometimes he knows that an unclear answer or a delayed answer is exactly what we need, for a time, so we will learn to exercise greater faith.

But my experience has been that, even if an answer doesn’t seem to come, the Lord will still communicate with you. I believe that if you will watch carefully, he will somehow express his love to you, telling you that you are okay in some other way, independent perhaps of that for which you were praying. In this way he will give you comfort and yet not defeat the purpose of causing you to have more faith. . . .

That sweet whispering of assurance will give you confidence that he has heard your prayer, that he knows your situation, and that, if you will be patient, he will handle the whole matter. I have particularly seen this to be the case when, because of my ineptness or inability, I have tied my self or my circumstances up in knots. If then, I will be patient and express my love to the Lord, letting him know that I trust him even when there is seemingly no answer, he will gradually untie all the knots I have so neatly tied up in my life.  And, as those knots are untied, he will give me the final peace and assurance that I am okay. ~~Gene R. Cook, A Year of Powerful Prayer (Salt Lake City, Deseret Book, 2013) p.256-7


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