Sister Wendy Watson Nelson wrote:

The Savior entreats us to come unto him. He wants us to come close to him. He wants us to have increasingly repeated interactions with him and to really get to know him. . . .

As we increase our interactions with the Savior—as we really come unto him—we become like him. . . . We will increase in our ability to see more like him, to love more like him, and to be more like him.

The ultimate and only true and living change agent is the Savior. He is the source of all change. He changed water into wine—bringing the very best liquid refreshment to the celebration. As you turn to him, he will bring the very best of you. He will indeed rescue all that is finest down deep inside of you. And what a celebration that will be!

Ask for His help. Asking for the Savior’s help is another way of drawing closer to Him.

The Savior changed eyes. And he can give you the eyes to see what you need to see in order to change your life. He will open the eyes of your understanding. Just ask for his help.

The Savior changed ears. And he can help you to hear his voice, and that will add strength to your own voice. Ask for his help.

He changed limbs that were weak. And he can change your mobility and direction to help you move to the next level of your life and help you in your efforts to shore up the feeble knees that are around you. Ask for his help.

He changed a few fishes and a couple of loaves of bread into enough to feed 5000 people. And he will take your widow’s mite of time, energy and ability and magnify them, multiply them, so that there is enough and to spare. You just need to ask for his help.

The Savior changed names: he turned Saul into Paul. And he can help you become his son or daughter. You can thus take upon you his name in a whole knew way.

Although our Lord Jesus Christ  never changes, he is the quintessential change agent—the only true change agent. Don’t you love that seeming irony: the only true change agent never changes! There is only one true and living change agent—and he never changes! There is only one true and living change agent—and he changes not! He loves you. And he loves your desire and your efforts to change! He is your Savior and my Savior!

We need to actively, persistently plead for the power of his infinite and atoning sacrifice to be applied in our lives, And as we do so, his ultimate healing will bring to each of our lives the ultimate change. ~ Wendy L. Watson Nelson, The Gift of the Atonement (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2002), 136-37

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