“You can be as alive as you want to be through a process known as surrender. Open yourself up to what is in front of you rather than allowing yourself to be distracted. This is humility.”~Deepak Chopra [i-below]

I know of those distracted when the truth is right in front of them. They see it–feel something ring true to their soul, then instead of embracing that and associated truths, they seek those who are in opposition. In such company they justify themselves in following a path of unbelief, seeking distraction because they fear the unknown… upward change. This because their comfortable mortal space and habits, flatly refuse to accept anything that would move them into a new realm of growth towards God.

They can’t see ‘the eternal forest for the trees’…of detail that have no eternal consequence. They become distracted in justification, feeding one another interesting ideas of no consequence.[ii] In such a bound up state they will never reach all the blessings God has in store for them. Surrender to distractions become their ‘convenient’ god… a god that will always, forever take them away from ‘all that the Father hath’[iii]. kdm

[i] The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life (New York: Random House, 2004), 169.

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